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发布时间: 2024-04-18 访问次数: 10

















20126月毕业于南京大学物理学院/固体微结构物理国家重点实验室,获得凝聚态物理专业博士学位;2017.12-2018.12 在韩国首尔大学从事博士后研究工作,留学期间先后担任在韩中国访问学者联谊会秘书长和会长;2020.10 至今在南京邮电大学材料科学与工程学院从事博士后研究工作。



(1) 微纳光学

(2) 能源光电子



  1. 国家自然科学面上项目11974118、金属/磁性材料复合等离激元结构的磁光效应研究、62万、在研、主持。

  2. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,11304159、超薄类金刚石膜包裹金属纳米颗粒释放的表面等离激元电场增强TiO2光催化效应研究、30万、已结题、主持。

  3. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK20161512超薄介电膜包覆金属纳米结构及其增强光催化性能研究10万、已结题主持。

  4. 教育部博士点基金项目,20133223120006、超薄类金刚石膜包覆金属微纳结构的奇异的表面等离激元特性及其在TiO2光催化中应用的研究、4万、已结题、主持。

  5. 中国博士后基金特别资助2021T140339、磁等离激元复合纳米结构的磁光增强机理及器件开发研究、18万、在研主持

  6. 中国博士后基金项目,2018M632345超薄壳层隔绝金属纳米结构增强TiO2光催化性能的研究5万、在研主持

  7. 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象2020年、10万、在研、主持。

  8. 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象2016年、2万、已结题、主持。

  9. 江苏省博士后基金项目,2021K617C、磁等离激元纳米结构的磁光增强与调控机理及器件研究,2万、在研主持


  1. J. Chen, Y. M. Tang, S. H. Wang, L. B. Xie, C. Chang, L. L. Wang, and L. H. Wang, “Ingeniously designed Ni-Mo-S/ZnIn2S4 composite for multi-photocatalytic reaction systems,” Chinese Chemical Letters 33, 1468 (2022).ESI高被引论文

  2. J. Chen, M. X. Zhang, P. Gu, Z. D. Yan, C. J. Tang, B. Lv, X. X. Wang, and M. W. Zhu, “Broadband, Wide-Incident-Angle, and Polarization-Insensitive High-Efficiency Absorption of Monolayer Graphene with Nearly 100% Modulation Depth at Communication Wavelength,”Results in physics40, 105833 (2022).

  3. P. Huang, Y. Yao, W. Zhong, P. Gu, Z. D. Yan, F. X. Liu, B. Yan, C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, and Mingwei Zhu“Optical Sensing Based on Classical Analogy of Double Electromagnetically Induced Transparencies,”Results in physics39, 105732 (2022).

  4. J. Chen, M. X. Zhang, P. Gu, Z. Y. Weng, Z. D. Yan, F. Gao, C. J. Tang, and M. W. Zhu, “Silver mirror for enhancing the magnetic plasmon resonance and sensing performance in plasmonic metasurface,” Appl. Phys. Express 15, 102003 (2022).

  5. P. Gu,X. F. Cai,C. P. Xue,Z. X. Zhang,Y. C. Zhu,W. Du,Z. Chen,J. Chen*,Z. X. Ding,F. Xu, Robust and High-Efficient Fabrication of Gold Triangles Array on Optical Fiber Tip for Laser Mode Locking,”Adv. Mater. Interfaces 9, 2200703 (2022).

  6. Z. D. Yan, L. C. Kong, C. J. Tang, J. Deng, P. Gu,J. Chen*, X. X. Wang, and M. W. Zhu, “Ultra-broadband and completely modulated absorption enhancement of monolayer graphene in near-infrared region,”Optics Express 30, 34787 (2022).

  7. P. Gu#, J. Chen#, Y. H. Guo, Z. X. Zhang, C. J. Tang, Y. Q. Cao, T. Z. Hu, Z. Chen, and Z. L. Wang, “Nanoscale Al2O3 core with Ag shell-based ultranarrow and symmetric cavity plasmons for sub-nm spectral-shift and radius differential resolution measurements,”ACS Applied Nano Materials 5, 8196 (2022).(共同一作)

  8. J. Chen, S. Y. Chen, P. Gu, Z. D. Yan, C. J. Tang, Z. J. Xu, B. Liu, and Z. Q. Liu, “Electrically Modulating and Switching Infrared Absorption of Monolayer Graphene in Metamaterials,”Carbon 162, 187 (2020).

  9. P. Gu, J. Chen*, S. Y. Chen, C. Yang, Z. X. Zhang, W. Du, Z. D. Yan, C. J. Tang, and Z. Chen, “Ultralarge Rabi splitting and broadband strong coupling in spherical hyperbolic metamaterial cavity,”Photonics Research8, 829 (2021).

  10. Z. D. Yan, X. Lu, W. Du, Z. Q. Lv, C. J. Tang, P. G. Cai, P. Gu, J. Chen*, and Z. Yu, “Ultraviolet graphene ultranarrow absorptionengineered by lattice plasmon resonance,”Nanotechnology32, 465202 (2021).

  11. J. Chen*, W. F. Fan, T. Zhang, X. Y. Chen, J. J. Wu, D. Y. Li, and Y. Yu, “Engineering the magnetic plasmon resonances of metamaterials for high-quality sensing,”Optics Express 25, 3675 (2017).ESI高被引论文

  12. J. Chen, C. Yang, P. Gu, C. J. Tang, and Z. Q. Liu, “High Sensing Properties of Magnetic Plasmon Resonance by Strong Coupling in Three-Dimensional Metamaterials,”Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 562 (2021).

  13. J. Chen, Y. H. Kuang, P. Gu, S. M. Feng, C. J. Tang, and Z. Q. Liu, “Strong Magnetic Plasmon Resonance in a Simple Metasurface for High-Quality Sensing,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 4525 (2021).

  14. J. Chen, G. H. Wu, P. Gu, Y. M. Tang, C. Yang, C. J. Tang, and Z. Q. Liu, “Theoretical Study on Metasurfaces for Transverse Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect Enhancement of Ultra-Thin Magnetic Dielectric Films,” Nanomaterials 11, 2825 (2021).

  15. J. Zhou, Z. Q. Liu, X. S. Liu, G. L. Fu, G. Q. Liu, J. Chen*, C. Wang, Han Zhang, and M. H. Hong “Metamaterial and Nanomaterial Electromagnetic Wave Absorbers: Structures, Properties and Applications,”Journal of Materials Chemistry C8, 12768 (2020).(封面论文)

  16. Z. Q. Liu, J. Zhou, X. S. Liu, G. L. Fu, G. Q. Liu, C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, “High-Q plasmonic graphene absorbers for electrical switching and optical detecting,”Carbon 166, 256 (2020).(封面论文)

  17. Y. W. Zhu#, J. Chen#, L. H. Shao, X. N. Xia, Y. T. Liu, L. L. Wang, “Oriented facet heterojunctions on CdS nanowires with high photoactivity and photostability for water splitting,”Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 268, 118744 (2020).(共同一作)

  18. B. Liu, W. J. Yu, Z. D. Yan, C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, P. Gu, Z. Q. Liu, and Z. Huang, “Ultra-narrowband Light Absorption Enhancement of Monolayer Graphene from Waveguide Mode,”Optics Express 25, 12061 (2020).  

  19. H. Z. Zhong, Z. Q. Liu, X. S. Liu, G. L. Fu, G. Q. Liu, J. Chen*, and C. J. Tang, “Ultra-high quality graphene perfect absorbers for high performance switching manipulation,” Optics Express 28, 37294 (2020).

  20. J. Chen*, C. Peng, S. B. Qi, Q. Zhang, C. J. Tang, X. Y. Shen, H. X. Da, L. H. Wang, and G. S. Park, “Photonic Microcavity-Enhanced Magnetic Plasmon Resonance of Metamaterials for Sensing Applications,”IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31, 113 (2019).

  21. J. Chen, H. Nie, C. J. Tang, Y. H. Cui, B. Yan, Z. Y. Zhang, Y. R. Kong, Z. J. Xu, and P. G. Cai, “Highly sensitive refractive-index sensor based on strong magnetic resonance in metamaterials,” Appl. Phys. Express 12, 052015 (2019).

  22. J. Chen, S. B. Qi, X. H. Hong, P. Gu, R. Q. Wei, C.J. Tang, Y. L. Huang, C. Y. Zhao, “Highly sensitive 3D metamaterial sensor based on diffraction coupling of magnetic plasmon resonances,” Results in Physics 15, 102791 (2019).

  23. Y. Q. Ji, Z. D. Yan, C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, P. Gu, B. Liu, and Z. Q. Liu, “Efficient Optical Reflection Modulation by Coupling Interband Transition of Graphene to Magnetic Resonance in Metamaterials,” Nanoscale Research Letters 14, 391 (2019).

  24. Y. Q. Ji, C. J. Tang, N. Y. Xie, J. Chen*, P. Gu, C. Peng, and B. Liu, “High-performance metamaterial sensors based on strong coupling between surface plasmon polaritons and magnetic plasmon resonances,” Results in Physics 14, 102397 (2019).

  25. J. Chen*, H. Nie, C. Peng, S. B. Qi, C. J. Tang, Y. Zhang, and L. H. Wang, “Enhancing the Magnetic Plasmon Resonance of Three-Dimensional Optical Metamaterials via Strong Coupling for High-Sensitivity Sensing,”IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 36, 3481 (2018).

  26. J. Chen*, Q. Zhang, C. Peng, C. J. Tang, X. Y. Shen, L. C. Deng, and G. S. Park, “Optical cavity-enhanced localized surface plasmon resonance for high-quality sensing,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30, 728 (2018).

  27. J. Chen*, H. Nie, T. Q. Zha, P. Mao, C. J. Tang, X. Y. Shen, and G. S. Park, “Optical magnetic field enhancement by strong coupling in metamaterials,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 36, 2791 (2018).

  28. B. Liu, C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, N. Y. Xie, J. Yuan, H. Tang, and X. Q. Zhu, “Metal-substrate-enhanced magnetic dipole resonance in metamaterials for high-performance refractive index sensing,” Optical Materials Express 8, 2008 (2018).

  29. B. Liu, C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, N. Y. Xie, H. Tang, X. Q. Zhu, and G. S. Park, “Multiband and Broadband Absorption Enhancement of Monolayer Graphene at Optical Frequencies from Multiple Magnetic Dipole Resonances in Metamaterials,” Nanoscale Research Letters 13, 153 (2018).

  30. B Liu, C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, N. Y. Xie, L. Zheng, and S. Wang, “Tri-band absorption enhancement in monolayer graphene in the visible spectrum due to multiple plasmon resonances in metal-insulator-metal nanostructure,” Appl. Phys. Express 11, 072201 (2018).

  31. J. Chen*, J. Yuan, Q. Zhang, H. M. Ge, C. J. Tang, Y. Liu, and B. N. Guo, “Dielectric waveguide-enhanced localized surface plasmon resonance refractive index sensing,” Optical Materials Express 8, 342 (2018).

  32. J. Chen*, T. Q. Zha, T. Zhang, C. J. Tang, Y. Yu, and L. B. Zhang, “Enhanced magnetic fields at optical frequency by diffraction coupling of magnetic resonances in lifted metamaterials,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 35, 71 (2017).

  33. B. Liu, C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, Q. G. Wang, M. X. Pei, and H. Tang, “Dual-band light absorption enhancement of monolayer graphene from surface plasmon polaritons and magnetic dipole resonances in metamaterials,” Optics Express 25, 12061 ( 2017).

  34. C. J. Tang, B. Yan, Q. G. Wang, J. Chen*, Z. D. Yan, F. X. Liu, N. Chen, and C. Sui, “Toroidal Dipolar Excitation in Metamaterials Consisting of Metal nanodisks and a Dielectric Spacer on Metal Substrate,” Scientific Reports 7, 582 (2017).

  35. P. W. Wang, N. B. Chen, C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, F. X. Liu, S. Q. Sheng, B. Yan, and C. H. Sui, “Engineering the Complex-valued Constitutive Parameters ofMetamaterials for Perfect Absorption,” Nanoscale Research Letters 12, 276 (2017).

  36. J. Chen*, W. F. Fan, P. Mao, C. J. Tang, Y. J. Liu, Y. Yu, and L. B. Zhang, “Tailoring Plasmon Lifetime in Suspended Nanoantenna Arrays for High-Performance Plasmon Sensing,” Plasmonics 12, 529 (2017).

  37. B. Liu, C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, M. W. Zhu, M. X. Pei, and X. Q. Zhu, “Electrically Tunable Fano Resonance from the Coupling between Interband Transition in Monolayer Graphene and Magnetic Dipole in Metamaterials,” Scientific Reports 7, 17117 (2017).

  38. B. Liu, C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, M. W. Zhu, Y. X. Sui, and H. Tang, “The coupling effects of surface plasmon polaritons and magnetic dipole resonances in metamaterials,” Nanoscale Research Letters 12, 586 (2017).

  39. J. Chen*, T. Zhang, C. J. Tang, P. Mao, Y. J. Liu, Y. Yu, and Z. Q. Liu, “Optical Magnetic Field Enhancement via Coupling Magnetic Plasmons to Optical Cavity Modes,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28, 1529 (2016).

  40. J. Chen*, C. J. Tang, P. Mao, C. Peng, D. P. Gao, Y. Yu, Q. G. Wang, and L. B. Zhang, “Surface-plasmon-polaritons-assisted enhanced magnetic response at optical frequencies in metamaterials,” IEEE Photonics Journal 8, 4800107 (2016).

  41. C. J. Tang, J. Chen*, Q. G. Wang, Z. D. Yan, B. Liu, F. X. Liu, and C. H. Sui, “Toroidal Dipolar Response in Metamaterials Composed of Metal-Dielectric-Metal Sandwich Magnetic Resonators,” IEEE Photonics Journal 8, 4600209 (2016).

  42. P. W. Wang, C. J. Tang, Z. D. Yan, Q. G. Wang, F. X. Liu, J. Chen*, Z. J. Xu, and C. H. Sui, “Graphene-based superlens for subwavelength optical imaging by graphene plasmon resonances,” Plasmonics 11, 515 (2016).

  43. X. Y. Shen, M. Chen, X. H. Hong, W. D. Wang, Z. K. Qiao, J. Chen*, S. J. Fan, J. X. Yu, and C. J. Tang, “Synthesis and anodic performance of TiO2-carbonized PAN electrode for lithium ion batteries,”Chemical Physics 530, 110639 (2020).

  44. X. Y. Shen, M. Chen, Z. K. Qiao, W. D. Wang, Y. C. Fu, J. Chen*, C. J. Tang, “Facile synthesis of Si/C integrated electrode for high performance lithium-ion batteries,” Mater. Res. Express 6, 115538 (2019).

  45. J. Chen, P. Mao, R. Q. Xu, C. J. Tang, Y. J. Liu, Q. G. Wang, and L. B. Zhang, “Strategy for realizing magnetic field enhancement based on diffraction coupling of magnetic plasmon resonances in embedded metamaterials,” Optics Express 23, 16238 (2015).

  46. J. Chen, R. Q. Xu, P. Mao, Y. T. Zhang, Y. J. Liu, C. J. Tang, and J. Q. Liu, “Realization of Fanolike resonance due to diffraction coupling of localized surface plasmon resonances in embedded nanoantenna arrays,” Plasmonics 10, 341 (2015).


  1. Jing Chen; Jiayang Wu; Dafang Huang; Chaojun Tang; Mingwei Zhu; Lianhui Wang; Eco-Friendly Color Printing Using Transparent Wood Paper, Advanced Optical Materials, 2023, 11(10): 2203093.

  2.  Ping Gu; Xiaofeng Cai; Chenpeng Xue; Zuxing Zhang; Youcheng Zhu; Wei Du; Zhuo Chen; JingChen*; Zixuan Ding; Fei Xu ; Robust and High‐Efficient Fabrication of Gold Triangles Array onOptical Fiber Tip for Laser Mode Locking, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2022, 9(2200703): 1-9.(封面论文)

  3.  Ping Gu; Jing Chen*; Siyu Chen; Chun Yang; Zuxing Zhang; Wei Du; Zhengdong Yan; ChaojunTang; Zhuo Chen ; Ultralarge Rabi splitting and broadband strong coupling in a sphericalhyperbolic metamaterial cavity, Photonics Research, 2021, 9(5): 829-838.

  4. Jing Chen; Siyu Chen; Ping Gu; Zhendong Yan; Chaojun Tang; Zhijun Xu; Bo Liu; Zhengqi Liu; Electrically modulating and switching infrared absorption of monolayer graphene inmetamaterials, Carbon, 2020, 162: 187-194.

  5. Jing Chen; Wenfang Fan; Tao Zhang; Chaojun Tang; Xingyu Chen; Jingjing Wu; Danyang Li;Ying Yu; Engineering the magnetic plasmon resonances of metamaterials for high-quality sensing,Optics Express, 2017, 4(25): 3675-3681.ESI高被引论文